Sabine Hornig: “The Matter of the Glazed Fence” at Cristina Guerra
Hornig’s new body of works presented in Lisbon strikes a timely chord in today’s political climate.
Stripping Down to Our Hair at 601Artspace
A.E. Chapman weaves together Black and Native histories, queer liberation, domestic labor, and gendered performance.
Amazons. The Ancestral Future
A show illuminates how the everyday work of care and guardianship, so intimately connected to Indigenous life, is itself a form of warriorhood.
Migration in Dialogue: Yang Jiechang
The Paris-based visual artist reflects on moving from south China to France in the 1980s, speaking on identity and sense of home.
Powerhouses is open for three months, but when the show closes, we don’t stop being a Black gallery.
Gut Feelings
At CARVALHO PARK, Nicola Turner’s wool and horsehair tendrils entangle various past lives.
Who is the hunter, who is the prey?
Kai Oh’s recent works explore self-objectification and the fragmentation of narrative in contemporary visual culture.
A Mirrored Interview
Subverting the relationship between the interviewer and interviewee, Phil Cai interviews Bojan Stojčić by answering questions from the artist, rendering issues of displacement reflective.
The SoHo Underground
On This Spot documentaries map women’s art history, from jazz lofts to The Kitchen.
Wasting Away, Again
Floridas is an intergenerational parable, dazzling and disquieting in its truth.
ILY2 Gallery Works from the Inside Out
A Portland-based women-owned gallery focuses on caring for the needs of their staff and artists first.
Sagarika Sundaram on the Alchemy of Fiber
An artist on the rise, Sagarika Sundaram reflects on her evolving process and the significance of her first solo exhibition in India.
Two Tales of a City
In Beijing Stories, the sculptural work of Chinese artist Liu Shiming is juxtaposed with Lois Conner’s photographs.
Pictures of Faces: A Conversation with Na Kim
The painter and award-winning designer discusses how her portraits make their way into the world.
Tim Brawner’s Strange Twist
In Last Caress at Management, postmodern hyperrealism guides the viewer into an unsettling realization about the overproximity to reality.
Ecofeminist Interleaving: Faith Wilding at Anat Ebgi
Wilding’s symbology conflates natural and human worlds, suggesting our synchrony and shared fate.
“I’m not queer, I’m disembodied”: Luca Guadagnino’s Adaptation of “Queer”
Guadagnino’s 2024 film is a surreal presentation of eroticism, obsession, and loneliness.
Irrational Physics
Jane Lombard Gallery’s new initiative, JLG Projects, zooms in on Sam Dienst’s fascination with the cartoon aesthetic.
Memories That Smell like Forgetting
The rare corpse flower blooms at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Anagrams of Desire
One could say that Ana Jotta made a single letter in the alphabet her own, but also that she already lost her name to it.